temperature: 6,2°C |
wind: sw 0 Bft calm 0,0 m/s |
rain: today 0,0 mm |
humidity: 76% |
pressure: steady 1007,5 hPa |
First column to be implemented.
Column "lastret.txt contains the field names as used by WRET => lastret.txt output,
not all fields are present in your own lastret.txt.
Column "latest.csv contains the field names as contained in latest.csv,
normally all fields should be present when using the professional version.
The page is sorted on the field/column "field description".
You can sort the table on column 2-4 by clicking in the heading.
First click descending, second click ascending.
De eerste kolom wordt binnenkort gebruikt om de velden te groeperen op type.
Kolom "lastret.txt bevat de veldnamen zoals gebruikt door de WRET => lastret.txt output generatie ,
niet alle velden zijn aanwezig in iedere lastret.txt omdat het aantal velden beperkt is.
Kolom "latest.csv calle veldnamen uit het latest.csv bestand (=backup laatste forecast),
alle velden komen voor als u een professional version hebt van WXSIM.
De pagina is gesorteerd op "field description".
De table kan gesorteerd worden op kolom 2-4 door te klikken op een kolomkop.
Eerste klik sorteert aflopend, tweede klik oplopend.
fieldgroup | Lastret.txt | latest.csv | field description |
TSCD | mising lfield name | Convection index | |
D.AD | mising lfield name | Dew point advection | |
DEW | Dew Pt. | Dew pt | |
ET0L | ET0 Long Reference Crop | ET0 Long Reference Crop | |
ETLT | Total ET0 Long Reference | ET0 Long Reference Total | |
ET0S | ET0 Short Reference Crop | ET0 Short Reference Crop | |
ETST | Total ET0 Short Reference | ET0 Short Reference Total | |
ETAC | Actual Evapotransipration | Evapotransipration Actual | |
ETAT | Total Actual Evapotranspiration | Evapotranspiration Actual Total | |
mising field name | Freezing Level | Freezing Level (highest) | |
mising field name | Snow Level | Freezing level when no precip | |
G1HR | 1 hr Gust | Gust 1 hour | |
G1MN | 1 min Gust | Gust 1 minute | |
G10M | 10 min Gust | Gust 10 minutes | |
G6HR | 6 hr Gust | Gust 6 hour | |
HCUP | Heat Conducted Up to Surface | Heat Conducted Up to Surface | |
HLAT | Latent Heat | Heat Latent | |
HSEN | Sensible Heat | Heat Sensible | |
HT.I | Heat Ind | Heat index | |
HMDX | mising lfield name | Humidex | |
INT | mising lfield name | INT | |
IRDN | IR Down | IR Down | |
IRUP | IR Up | IR Up | |
I.RT | mising lfield name | Irrigation rate | |
ITOT | Total Irrigation | Irrigation total | |
LCL | mising lfield name | Lifting Cond. Level | |
L.CD | Sky Cov | Lower cloud cover (level 1/2) | |
RNET | Net Radiation | Net Radiation | |
POP | mising lfield name | Precipitation chance/hour | |
P.RT | mising lfield name | Precipitation rate | |
PTOT | Tot.Prcp | Precipitation total | |
SLP | S.L.P. | Pressure at sea level | |
%RH | Rel.Hum. | Relative humidity | |
mising field name | SC L1 | SC L1 | |
mising field name | SC L2 | SC L2 | |
mising field name | SC L3 | SC L3 | |
mising field name | SC L4 | SC L4 | |
mising field name | SC L5 | SC L5 | |
SWXO | Severe index | Severe thunderstorms | |
SKY | mising lfield name | Sky cover total | |
VST | Vis Trans | Sky visible trans. % | |
SN.C | Snow Dpth | Snow/ice depth | |
MSO1 | Soil Moisture Depth 1 | Soil moisture in % - depth 1 | |
MSO2 | Soil Moisture Depth 2 | Soil moisture in % - depth 2 | |
MSO3 | Soil Moisture Depth 3 | Soil moisture in % - depth 3 | |
MS04 | Soil Moisture Depth 4 | Soil moisture in % - depth 4 | |
MS05 | Soil Moisture Depth 5 | Soil moisture in % - depth 5 | |
SMT1 | Soil Tension Depth 1 | Soil moisture in cb /kPa -depth 1 | |
SMT2 | Soil Tension Depth 2 | Soil moisture in cb /kPa -depth 2 | |
SMT3 | Soil Tension Depth 3 | Soil moisture in cb /kPa -depth 3 | |
SMT4 | Soil Tension Depth 4 | Soil moisture in cb /kPa -depth 4 | |
SMT5 | Soil Tension Depth 5 | Soil moisture in cb /kPa -depth 5 | |
S.IR | Solar Rad | Solar radiation | |
BI | mising lfield name | Stability Boyden index | |
KI | mising lfield name | Stability K index | |
KOI | mising lfield name | Stability KO index | |
LI | LI | Stability Lifted index | |
SI | mising lfield name | Stability Showalter index | |
TTI | mising lfield name | Stability Total totals | |
mising field name | Stn.Pres. | Station level pressure? | |
S.AL | Sun Alt | Sun altitude | |
TIME | mising lfield name | TIME | |
TOT | mising lfield name | TOT | |
15M | 15 m | Temperature 15 m (50 ft) | |
850T | T_850 mb | Temperature 850mb | |
T.AD | mising lfield name | Temperature Advection | |
HILL | Hill Tmp | Temperature Hill | |
BLYR | mising lfield name | Temperature boundary layer | |
GRS | Grass Temperature | Temperature grass level | |
LVL1 | T_Lvl 1 | Temperature level 1 | |
TMAX | Hi Temp | Temperature max | |
TMIN | Low Temp | Temperature min | |
AIR | Temperature | Temperature outside | |
TSO1 | Soil Temperature Depth 1 | Temperature soil depth 1 | |
TSO2 | Soil Temperature Depth 2 | Temperature soil depth 2 | |
TSO3 | Soil Temperature Depth 3 | Temperature soil depth 3 | |
TSO4 | Soil Temperature Depth 4 | Temperature soil depth 4 | |
TSO5 | Soil Temperature Depth 5 | Temperature soil depth 5 | |
SURF | Soil Surface Temperature | Temperature surface level | |
VLY | Vly Tmp | Temperature valley | |
THK | 10-5 Thk | Thickness | |
TSMO | Convection index | Thunder/Showers | |
UVI | UV Index | UV index | |
VIS | VIS | Visibility horizontal | |
WEATHER | WX Type 1 | Weather condition | |
WX Type 2 | Multiple defined latest.csv | ||
WET | Wet Bulb | Wet buld | |
WDIR | mising lfield name | Wind direction compass | |
W.DIR | Wind Dir. | Wind direction degrees | |
W.SP | Wind Spd. | Wind speed | |
WCF | Wind Chl | Windchill |